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  • Sarah Warner

Finding God in a Manic Monday

Yesterday was truly the definition of a ‘Manic Monday’. We had returned from a lengthy vacation to Florida in the wee hours of Sunday morning and I was set to tackle the day with two overtired little ones. I was in full beast-mom mode, preparing to start a brand-new job on Tuesday morning, which meant dragging my girls to several stores and doctor’s appointments, including my annual exam at the OB-GYN (a story for another time). My head clouded with to-dos – what’s for dinner tonight, who needs what packed for the next day, how many loads of laundry can I possibly wash and fold while my 6-month-old maybe takes a nap (wishful thinking), I took a deep breath, relaxed my shoulders, and tapped the 106.1 button on my car radio.

I often tune into Family Life radio for the Christian music and was initially disappointed that someone was giving a reflection when I needed a spiritual boost from a popular Matt Maher or Lauren Daigle hit. Just as I was about to bounce over to another station, I heard the broadcaster say, “Esther’s story” and I slowly smiled and began to listen in. She was talking about the theme of our Women’s Conference, “For Such a Time as This”, and how God is always working whether we see Him or not – His faithfulness is not diminished in the dark, in fact it’s in those moments that our faith can really grow. I grabbed hold of her every word, reveling in God’s amazing ability to break through the clutter of my life, despite the noisiness of my 3-year-old incessantly asking for Timbits and when we were going to see the baby doctor.

This was a beautiful reminder to be bold and confident in pursuing God’s plan for my life because even in the most hectic days of motherhood and life, I know He’s by my side giving me that extra bit of grace. So here’s my shameless plug for the Buffalo Catholic Women’s Conference, which will be held on Saturday the 29th of April at St. Joe’s Collegiate Institute. I invite you to give yourself a full day to revel in the beauty of our Catholic faith and explore where God is calling you in your unique spiritual journey. We’ll have three inspirational Catholic speakers, Mass with the Bishop, praise & worship music, and Adoration, as well as vendors and resources for spiritual support. I hope to see you there!

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